

The Heart of America Gelbvieh Association welcomes you to our website and online breeder’s directory. Please use this as your source guide to breeders of top quality Gelbvieh and Balancers cattle from around the state. Any of the breeders in our member’s directory will be pleased to help you find the genetics to fit your needs.

Why choose Gelbvieh cattle? Gelbvieh offers milk and fertility that other breeds cannot match. These two traits alone will raise your weaning weights and improve your profitability. Then combine the gentle nature of the breed and you will see why Gelbvieh popularity is on the rise.

If you are a commercial producer or a Gelbvieh breeder, this online website andHAGA Directory can be your guide to enhancing the quality of your stock. For more information about the Heart of America Gelbvieh Association and the Gelbvieh breed, just contact any of our board members.

The HAGA membership is proud to provide this site for your convenience. Visit the site often to keep in touch with what’s happening with our breed and breeders here in Missouri.

We hope you find it very helpful.

Board of Directors
Heart of America Gelbvieh Association

Benefits of membership

The Heart of America Gelbvieh Association's mission is to educate and promote the Gelbvieh and Balancer Breed. Membership includes your farm/ranch listed in the HAGA Annual Directory, mailed to over 1500 breeders in the Midwest and a listing on the www.heartofamericagelvieh.com website. In addition, the association hosts an annual member meeting and educational session, an annual breeding sale, and a Facebook page to advertise and promote your cattle. The Association also provides support to young breeders through the Heart of America Gelvieh Junior Association through fundraising, the Missouri State Fair, and AGA sanctioned events.